Sunday, January 31, 2016

¿Cómo se dice ... en español?

The most intimidating part of traveling to Ecuador is the language barrier. The first question everyone asks is "how is your Spanish?" 

La verdad no es bueno (loosely translated... "the truth, not great").

I began learning Spanish in grade school. Unfortunately, our Spanish teachers lasted about as long as a Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts...not long.  

With every new teacher, we started back at square one. By the time I graduated, I could confidently count to 100, recite the days of the week, and order a taco without toppings. The essentials. 

I continued learning Spanish in high school and college but even now, I feel like I haven't even scratched the surface. Former volunteers have reassured me that once I'm there I will get the hang of it but for now, I'm trying to learn/relearn as much as I can. 

Pimsleur Language Program CD's (the poor man's Rosetta Stone) have become part of my normal routine. Instead of listening to music on my way to work, I listen/repeat... listen/repeat... listen/repeat... I also started watching El Gran Hotel (Grand Hotel) on Netflix. It's essentially the Spanish version of Downton Abbey and it's wildly entertaining. 

Learning a new language is difficult and oftentimes frustrating. When I begin losing patience, I remind myself that any new skill requires time and practice. By the time my year in Ecuador is over, I hope to at least be able to include toppings on my tacos ;)

Thanks for stopping by. I hope to see you back soon!

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